This page is not written yet.
It’s intended to be a suggestion about what to tackle, in what order, to minimize frustration.
Outline of the idea:
- First get to know your scope visually
- Correct any mount issues, so you are getting rock-solid visual performance
- Video-based lunar and planetary
- Use a webcam, video camera, DSLR on video, etc, to capture video of bright targets
- Learn basic tracking
- Learn composition and focusing
- Learn basic computer skills by registering and combining images with Registax
- Use short focal-length scope, and DSLR or CSC in prime focus, for wide-field imaging (M31, NGC869/882, etc)
- Further tune and improve mount sturdiness and tracking
- Refine mount polar alignment and periodic error correction
- Learn focusing via repeated exposure, with focus aid
- Learn issues with longer exposures
- Learn dark frame subtraction
- Learn flat-field compensation
- Learn image stacking
- Increase focal length to capture smaller objects
- Further tune mount
- (Optional) switch to dedicated astronomy CCD camera
- Use a webcam, video camera, DSLR on video, etc, to capture video of bright targets