Page not written yet
Outline of what it will contain:
- What problems are we solving?
- Noise
- Camera noise
- Atmospheric noise
- Unwanted objects
- Uneven light
- Non-flat optics
- Dust spots
- Noise
- Calibration Techniques
- Bias frames
- What are they
- How to collect them
- How many?
- Pre-combined masters
- Temperature libraries
- Dark frames
- What are they
- How to collect them
- How many?
- Pre-combined masters
- Temperature libraries
- Flat frames
- What are they
- How to collect them
- How many?
- Pre-combined masters
- Libraries don’t apply
- Stacking
- Combining multiple exposures to
- Detect and eliminate spurious light
- Average-out background noise
- Increase effective exposure
- Combining multiple exposures to
- Bias frames
- Usual order of operation
- Bias-adjust Dark frames
- Dark-adjust all exposures
- Flat-adjust all exposures
- Stack exposures
- If filtered monochrome: stack groups per filter
- Steps
- Reject bad images
- Align images
- Combine images
- Selection of math formula
- Colour combination
- If filtered monochrome, combine colours last
- Post-processing
- Move to image processing software and fine-tune
- Some prefer to do 3- or 4-colour combine in the image processing software