Track Days with the 6R
In these photos the ZX-6R is track-prepped: wearing race bodywork (purchased used from a friend leaving 600 racing and spray-painted to match the tank and wheels), lights & mirrors off, coolant replaced with water, and other minor details. At Mosport, the tail section wasn’t yet fitting properly (see how it sticks up?) but by Shannonville it was modified to fit.
Mosport, May 2002

Just completed our set-up at Mosport, my first track day. The day was hosted by the Ducati Owners Club of Canada, and they run an excellent event.
Shannonville, June 2002

June 24, a lot of Ottawa riders attended a Shannonville track day hosted by Pro-6 Cycle. This is a group of fellow instructors with the Ottawa Safety Council Motorcycle Rider Course. I'm second from the left.
Mosport, May, 2003

Monday of the may long weekend, another great day by the Ducati Owners' Club of Canada. More photos to follow.
Shannonville, June, 2003

General track day run by McBride (Toronto) on FABI at Shannonville. This was a small group so lots of track time. Unfortunately, no one to run the camera when I was riding, so it's pit photos only.
Shannonville, July, 2003

General track day run by Wheelsport (Ottawa) on FABI at Shannonville. Again, a small group resulted in lots of track time until torrential rain ended the day mid-afternoon.